Damiano Tagliaferri


Feb 5, 2023
Cover art
Shield ImageShield ImageShield Image

Undergroove is a 2.5D puzzle platformer made for Global Game Jam 2023. The puzzles revolve around manipulating the growth of roots to lock or unlock moving platforms and open a path. Environment and platforms are made of 3D tiles, each measuring 1x1x2 in size.

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Role: Lead Developer - Gameplay Designer
Company: <Game Jam>
Platforms: PC
Work time: 10 days

My contributions

  1. Gameplay design/development
  2. Level design editor tools
  3. 3D rule-tiles setup
  4. Dynamic audio integration


I designed and implemented mechanics for roots and platforms, and developed editor tools for their placement in the game world.

The platforms move on an update that is synchronized with the music, to help get the timing right. The roots’ extend/retract logic determines whether they have enough time to reach a static position before the next move update. Depending on the outcome, the roots will either move or play a stuck animation. Additionally, actions performed by the roots just before the end of the move loop are queued and executed when it concludes.

The “stick to wall” ability complements these mechanics, allowing players to use platforms to move in unconventional ways. I’m responsible for making it work and ensuring the character never gets stuck inside walls and platforms.

© 2025 Damiano Tagliaferri